Sunday, March 8, 2015

Love/Hate Relationship

I ran yesterday.

And yes, I bundled up in long, thermal running pants and a long sleeve shirt, because it was just a touch on the cool side for me!  I was nice and comfy, though.

I managed to go 1.2 miles in 16.5 mins.  Not very impressive, but it's better than being a lazy bum sitting around on the couch, which is what I wanted to do.  I did meet my goal, however: run my route without walking.

I went out at around 2:30pm (so it would hopefully be the warmest part of the day). Pony tail? Check.
Run music? Check. Run candy? Nope, gotta go back in and get it.

Let's try this again.  Pony tail? Check. Run music? Check. Run candy? Check. Timing device? Nope, gotta go back in and get it.

Same song, third verse.  Pony tail? Check. Run music? Check. Run candy? Check. Timing device? Check. Post run water bottle? Nope, gotta go back in and get it.

You see how easy it is for me to delay my run.  I have such a difficult time getting started! I have even gone so far as to dust the bedroom furniture instead of getting dressed in my running attire! I really hate running.

Hate it, that is, until about a half mile into my run.  Then I am able to let go my mind and enter into that happy place in my brain that is fueled by the running endorphins.   It is such a calm and meditative place.  My body and mind leave behind all of my day-to-day distractions and I am able to plan and scheme and dream.

I like my stretch time after my run.  I like how my muscles respond to stretching and how my flexibility increases.  I am proud that I can bend over and touch  the ground while keeping my legs straight; many adults cannot do that!

Will probably always have trouble get started on my run.  I will probably always like the results.

~~Le Sigh~~

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