Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Welcome back, old friends, and welcome aboard to new friends!  Time to get started in the 2016 Slice Of Life challenge.  I am told that the second year is more difficult than the first year because you sometimes fell you have already written everything you have to say in the previous year.  Even with this warning ringing fresh in my ears, I am excited to begin!

I remember that this time last year the weather was snowy and I was perpetually cold.  This year, the temperature is mild, yet definitely warm enough for outdoor recess.  Last evening I spent a couple of hours out on the deck with my oldest son, Eli, just enjoying the warmish evening.  We were eating grapes and reading while sharing a blanket on the outdoor love seat.

There is usually quite a dramatic change in the weather from the start to the last of March, so expect to hear a bit from me on how I adjust to those changes.  I have some minor travel planned this month, so you might see a blog post or two about my upcoming adventures. I am also very enamored with my family and we have experienced some major life changes since last year's Slice of Life, so I expect I will be blogging about that as well. 

Can't wait to hear from all of you in the coming month!


  1. Welcome back, Mrs. Swaim! I'm so glad you are joining us again. :) Second year is harder, but it comes with more rewards...I felt so accomplished. It feels like it solidifies the fact that you ARE a writer in your heart! Enjoy and happy slicing, friend!!

  2. Welcome back, Mrs. Swaim! I'm so glad you are joining us again. :) Second year is harder, but it comes with more rewards...I felt so accomplished. It feels like it solidifies the fact that you ARE a writer in your heart! Enjoy and happy slicing, friend!!

  3. Hey mrs.swaim its Chloe Farmer for your class and i just read your blog and i thought it gave some great tips for the following years that are coming for blogging thanks!
