Thursday, March 3, 2016

TBT and My Love of Schedules

I once had a friend I had not seen in 25 years ask me before a much-anticipated visit if I was a "wing-it" kind of girl, or was I a person who needed a schedule?  It was not something I had ever really given much thought to before that moment. Without thinking, I indicated that I was good to just "wing it".

Boy, howdy! Did I learn something about myself that day!  And since I actually started paying attention, I've discovered that I really am a schedule person.  Not only am I a schedule person, I am one of those for whom the whole world can be knocked off it's axis if there is an unexpected change to my schedule. How did I not know this?!?

I was so excited to learn something new about myself and I eagerly shared this ground-breaking news-flash with my family.  Mostly, they just laughed and said things like, "well, DUH!", and "How could you NOT know?".  It seems I've been this way my whole life and never even noticed it.  It took an innocent question from an old friend to open my eyes.  Sometimes, knowledge comes at us from unexpected sources, we just have to be open to accept it.

In case you're wondering, my visit with my friend went ok, but would have been much better, for the both of us, I think, if I had known before that I needed a schedule.  It really put me off to not know what was going to happen next.  I was actually a bit anxious and not able to fully enjoy the gift of company I had been waiting for for so long.  Not that the day was bad, but it could have been so much more.

Oh, well.  As it's said, "You live, you learn!"  I AM glad to have learned this about myself and actually credit my friend for being so instrumental in my moment of self-discovery.  And really, isn't that what good friends are supposed to help you do anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Sherri, I think (well, know) I'm the same way. Love the schedule!! Love planning the schedule! Loved the lines, "Not only am I a schedule person, I am one of those for whom the whole world can be knocked off it's axis if there is an unexpected change to my schedule. How did I not know this?!?" I could tell exactly how you felt!
