Friday, March 11, 2016

Spring Break and the Return of Captain Aspi

Caleb came home from college for Spring break today!

He came up to see me at the school fundraiser tonight. :)  

He bought raffle tickets.  He tolerated a hug.  He put a bid on a silent auction item.  He ranted a little about the rain.  He decided it was too loud and went back home.

I can't even begin to tell you how happy it makes me that he is able to recognize for himself when a situation may be a trigger for him and successfully make the decision to remove himself! 

It's been a long time since Caleb was in Middle School himself (he was in Pod 1).  I remember they used to tell me they always knew when Caleb came through the door each morning.   He was LOUD. Actually, he still is.  It's been nice that he has found a niche where his volume is praised.

Even though Caleb is schedule-happy, he is not well-rooted in time.  And let me tell you, that is an odd combination!  Every other Tuesday is bowling night.  Cheer practice is every Monday and Thursday night.  He has a cheer workout tomorrow at 1pm at his college.  He wants to leave Webb City by 10am so he won't be late.  His school is only 45 minutes away, but because this practice is outside of his normal schedule, he feels a need to overcompensate to make sure he doesn't miss this change in his schedule.

He is away from home more than he is home these days, and I think we've gotten used to the quiet.  Its going to be quite the adventure having Captain Aspi home again with us this week!

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